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2015-2 | 2016
Stumbling blocks. Entraves et obstacles aux circulations

Approches pluridisciplinaires
Stumbling blocks
Edited by Mathilde Lévêque and Claire Parfait
Image d'accroche du numéro 2015-2
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Credits: Berlin 1989, Fall der Mauer, Chute du mur, 1989. Par Raphaël Thiémard. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source : Flickr.

Following up on Werner and Espagne’s work on cultural transfers, this special issue focuses on stumbling blocks, on obstacles to the circulation of people, languages, ideas, texts, art forms. Specialists hailing from such disciplines as literature, history, book history, linguistics, and art history offer various case studies in order to attempt a first outline of a theory of obstacles. Indeed, circulations and transfers can meet with all kinds of obstacles. Transfers are complex processes in which the sometimes contradictory forces at play may lead to resistance, delays, identitarian closures. It is therefore impossible to examine the circulation of texts, ideas, technologies, art forms, or people, without taking into account the various stumbling blocks and other obstacles which are an integral part of the process. These obstacles do not make transfers impossible, but at the very least they interrogate the mechanisms at work in the process.

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